"Reiki treats illness at the root, it clears built up negative energy from the body which allows life force to once again flow freely which is the cause of well being."
Spiritual Benefits of Reiki
- Increased intuition and creativity leads to a more purposeful direction in life
- Promotes spiritual growth
- Increases feelings of divine love
- Feel more connected and in tune with others and the universe
- Increases manifestation ability
- Strengthens connection to higher power
- Increases vibrational frequency
Physical Benefits of Reiki
- Reiki works on all chronic and acute illnesses
- Promotes relief from skin conditions
- Helps recovery from flu/colds
- Reduces frequency of headaches/migraines
- Lowers high blood pressure & cortisol levels
- First Aid (as it speeds up healing)
- Reduction in pain and nausea
- Lessens symptoms of asthma sufferers
- Your body being more fully prepared for surgery, including using less anesthesia, and a shortened recovery time
- Speeds tissue regeneration to replace scars and burns
- Aids in healing of ulcers
- Lessening of arthritis pain, stiffness, and increased ease of movements
- Reduces back pain/problems
- Improved circulation to reduce swelling from many causes (injury, surgery)
- Balancing of the organs and glands and their bodily functions
- A lessening and relieving of symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other autoimmune diseases
- Strengthened immune system, and improved capacity of your body’s ability to clear toxins
- Supports pregnancy and childbirth, and afterwards, many women report painless childbirth after using Reiki
Mental Benefits of Reiki
- Your mind becomes calmer
- Improved memory retention
- Reduces brain fog
- Increased focus and cognizance
- Enhanced creativity
- Help contacting the ‘healer within’.
- Balances left and right brain hemispheres
- Induces Theta brain wave state
- Access and reprograms the subconsious
- Restful sleep with more vivid dreams
- You think clearer and you can 'see' clearer
- Increased self-confidence.
- Enhanced personal awareness
Emotional Benefits of Reiki
- Deep relaxation.
- Calmer and less erratic mind.
- Eases depression
- Decreases anxiety
- Helps insomnia
- Improves lack of confidence/ low self-esteem
- Helps addiction at the source
- Helps to resolve fear-based illnesses
- Increased intuition, and creativity
- Emotional cleansing
- Allows for resolution with difficult life situations
"You will be able to answer your own questions, with greater clairity knowing that you have the answers."
The following are links to clinical studies and scientific articles
supporting the use and effectiveness of Reiki Therapy:
- Biological Proof of Stress Reduction Through Reiki
- Reiki for Symptomatic Improvements in Cancer Patients
- Reiki for Alzheimer's Disease
- Reiki Has Immediate Effect on the Parasympathetic Nervous System Including Lowering Cortisol Levels
- Reiki for Interferon Treatment Patients
- Reiki for Pain Management
- Reiki for Children with Autism or ADD/ADHD
- Reiki for Anxiety, Stress, and Depression